2022 Award Winners

Best Short Film

Us Against Them

Best Narrative Film

On Sacred Ground

Best Documentary

The Exchange In White America: Kaukauna & King 50 Years Later

Best Native American Film

Bring Her Home

Best Student Film


Best Faith Based Film

Baked By Grace

Best Action/Thriller


Best Avant Garde

An Untrained God

Best Drama

Not To Forget

Best Comedy

Deflated Dreamer

Best Short Animation


Best International


Best Music Video

Fight/Little Fireworks

Best Concert Film

Emerge/NJSO Concert

Best Commercial


Best Sports Documentary

ALS To Ashes: The Cory Nochta Story

Indian's Pick

Boca Do Inferno

Best Partner

Voyager Entertainment Group

Founding Champion

Bruce Nelson/NEB

Founding Champion

Hitesh Patel

Founding Champion

Matthew Earl Jones

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